Monday, August 24, 2009

Quick Author's Tips

Just getting your book corrected, like an English teacher would correct a paper IS NOT the equivalent of a book edit. Of course, you want your book to be as error free as possible, but there are so many other things a seasoned book editor looks out for that actually have nothing to do with right / wrong.

A seasoned editor will look for repeated words, active vs passive tense in sentences and ambiguousness is sentences. All of those sentences may have their i's dotted and t's crossed, but there is always room for improvement or clarification. An experienced book editor will help make your book better, not just correct.

For more information go to the free e-book - The Basics of Profitable Publishing


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It is remarkable, very useful message
It is remarkable, very much the helpful information

Anonymous said...

And you have understood?

Anonymous said...

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